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Can I feel my breath in my nose?

2 min read

Right now, as you read this, ask yourself: “Can I feel my breath in my nose?”

How does it feel, exactly? Is there a dominant nostril? Can you feel a difference in the temperature of the air on inhale compared to exhale? Keep focusing on this feeling for a few moments. When you return your attention to outside activities, you’ll notice that you feel calmer. More present. Focused.

When we choose to bring our awareness into the sensations of the body, we experience the reality of the present moment, free from the mind’s analysis. We could scan our attention around the body or focus on the feeling of breathing generally. These are useful techniques that help us learn to focus the attention where we choose. Over time, we become less reactive to external influences.

As a foundational technique, though, let’s keep things specific.

Using the technique of bringing the awareness to a very specific point, such as the feeling of breath in the nostrils, helps to sharpen the focus even further. The sensation of breath flowing through the nose is very subtle. One must zero in, make their focus laser-sharp, and calmly leave thoughts and other distractions to the side.

What amazing practice for Life.

Focusing on the feeling of breath in the nose is like hitting the reset button. We get out of the past, out of the future, and land in the NOW. We train our awareness to go EXACTLY where we want it, for a few moments, or a few minutes. When the attention wanders, we bring it gently back. This is a practice; it takes patience and perseverance, as does anything worthwhile.

So, several times a day, ask yourself, “Can I feel my breath in my nose?”

Watch and see what happens in your life.


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